Ride the Winds…

Motivated Buddhist practice.

Challenging, empowering, difficult, beautiful, rugged, liberating; engaging awareness, slippery mindfulness.

For most, it’s often a back-and-forth process . . . two steps forward and one back (only one, hopefully).


Dharma mind arises as the tiniest of sparks, then progresses into kindling fire, etc.

The winds blowing through the days of our lives are capable of both fanning it into larger flames, and/or extinguishing it.

It is attentive activity that protects the oft-flickering fires of our practice from being blown-out, growing cold.

Perhaps this is a helpful guideline:

The only thing that gets results is engagement.
Not a single ounce of benefit is delivered or completed with thoughts alone.
Yes, all we do is precipitated by thoughts and intentions but must end with hands, with enterprise, with action.

Harness and use the winds of your everyday experiences as propellants of movement and activity for the greater good.

If this inspires you but you’re not quite sure how to do it, expose yourself to the Dharma . . . its empowering curriculum is accessible, far-reaching, penetrates deeply . . . and is fun.


There are reportedly 7.5 billion human beings on the planet today.

Those of the ‘happiest” 1% are wise, beneficial, skillful, virtuous, wholesome, and mentally healthy . . . and number 75 million.

75 million is a lot of people.
Your inclusion herein is doable, no?


Moments unfold in a timeless parade, bringing winds that never stop gusting.
Their motion, vital and evolving, is yours.

Take notice. Open to them. Engage.
Allow them to be transformative.

Ride them.

~If this resonates . . . neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from participating.